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Aruna's Story - Lushin Dubey

A one-woman act depicting the story of Aruna Shanbaug, based on journalist Pinky Virani's book.

27 November 2019


Aruna Shanbaug, assaulted by a hospital helper, was left in a permanent vegetative state. Journalist Pinky Virani, who fought her case in court, published a moving account of her battle. Focused on Aruna’s radiant personality, veteran actor Lushin Dubey traced how this single incident affected the lives of many. Dubey donned several characters - policemen, hospital staff, bureaucrats - in a stirring retelling of Aruna's story.

Performed by: Lushin Dubey
Directed, Adapted and Scripted for the Stage by: Arvind Gaur
Music: Sangeeta Gaur
Light & Set Design: Arvind Gaur
Set Execution: Karan Singh

A glimpse

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