Besharam ka Paudha - Rajesh Nirmal
Breaking the fourth wall, Rajesh Nirmal's Besharam ka Paudha challenges the comfort we find in fiction.
11 May 2024
Breaking the fourth wall, Rajesh Nirmal's Besharam ka Paudha challenges the comfort we find in fiction. He uses personal anecdotes to bridge the gap between the public and private, performer and viewer, city and village. This interactive, one-man show is about the reality we live every day, yet one we do not see. The play's narrative washes away the cover that often conceals the complexities of society. Rajesh talks openly about caste - the system, its discriminations, his own caste and yours too.
Written, directed and performed by Rajesh Nirmal
Lighting Designer - Sangeet Shrivastava
Director in Rehearsals - Drishti Chawla
Production and Sound Operations - Anand Kumar
Dramaturge & Project Mentor - Malika Taneja